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Weight Loss Problems - A Hidden Cause

Are You or Anyone You Know Struggling With Weight Loss Problems?

Over the years the more I dial into health and fitness the more I am realizing that I am becoming a book nerd. I thoroughly enjoy reading and learning new things that can help anyone who is looking to get fit and healthy. Many people today deal with weight loss problems for a vast amount of reasons. The normal routine would be to fix the diet and exercise, and rightfully so. But what if there was another factor no one really looked at that is a bit mind boggling? I actually had to read what I found twice to make sure I understood why weight loss problems actually correlated directly with this less known reason. Keep reading to learn more about this weight loss problem.

Weight Loss Problems Are Very Complex

I feel like I need to put this out there before I get into the meat of this post. Anyone dealing with weight loss problems has some underlying issue(s). It could be blown adrenal glands, hypothyroidism, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, the list can go one for ever. There is no silver bullet to getting healthy losing weight, and avoiding weight loss problems. It takes work and effort and a dedication to truly track down the root causes of weight loss problems and unwanted weight gain. Now that I have that out of the way lets look at one element of weight loss problems that you would not otherwise.

I Suspected That Weight Loss Problems Could Stem From This Cause

Peer perception is more powerful than we might think. Our friends, family, and social environment influence our behavior whether we know it or not. According to a Harvard study lead by Dr. Nicholas Christakis of the Harvard Medical School “Obesity is contagious.” The study followed over 12,000 people for 32 years. The findings were staggering. The study showed that if your friend became obese your chances of becoming obese increased by 57%!. If your sibling became obese it would increase your chances by 40%. Friends had a bigger impact than family members. Another finding in the study showed that proximity did not matter. You and your friends could live thousands of miles apart and it would still have the same outcome. The study also showed that if you have a direct connection with someone who smokes your chances of becoming a smoker increase by 61%. Think about this, if you are struggling with weight loss problems would you ever think that your friends and family would have this much impact on your ability to actually lose weight? I suspected this type of weight loss problem, but not to this magnitude.

Dr. Christakis is quoted explaining his finding as “You change your idea of what is an acceptable body type by looking at the people around you.” Maybe a person who struggles with weight loss problems and has failed at dieting needs to address their social circle. This study proves that when you decide to get healthier and take action, it is a lifestyle transformation and process. Getting your friends and social circles to follow your lead may be difficult, but this study can be a great tool for you to use for a reality check.

What About People Who Have Active Friends?

According to the book Wellbeing by Tom Roth and Jim Harter, they state that if your best friend lives an active healthy lifestyle it can triple your chances of being very physically active. If your best friend has a clean healthy diet, it can increase your chances of eating healthy by five times!

Weight Loss Problems Need A Holistic Solution

If the studies shown in this post about weight loss problems, social influences, and having active friends don’t at least show you that weight loss problems need a holistic solution than I don’t know what to tell you. In order to overcome weight loss problems, or any health problems in general you need to look holistically not independently. If you are working out and eating clean health giving foods and are still having weight loss problems than it is time to dig a bit deeper to find the root causes.

Final Thoughts On Weight Loss Problems

Do your best to show up and exercise, eat right, reduce stress, and take an inventory of your surroundings. Weight loss problems impact many, but taking control of your weight loss problems versus being controlled by them is the main ingredient to alleviating yourself from weight loss problems for the long run.

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