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How to Stop Midlife Weight Gain

Stop Weight Gain Before It Starts

A recent study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association unearths a very effective way to stop weight gain as you reach middle age.  Before I get into the study which showcases a very effective way to stop weight gain as you age, I want to say that it is on the surface something easy to do, however very difficult when it comes to reality.  In order to stop weight gain from happening as we age you need to incorporate many different healthy habits to do so.  But for now, we will focus on the study and one other method that is the best way to stop weight gain no matter what part of your life you are at.

The researchers focused on the impact of working out in people who were in their 20′s to see if it would stop weight gain as they reached midlife.

By focusing on people in their 20′s they could watch as they aged into their midlife and see what their body composition had become, and if they were able to stop weight gain.  They followed 3,500 people for over two decades to conclude if you can stop weight gain by working out in your 20′s.  The results of the researched showed that women who worked out in their 20′s on a regular basis at a medium to intense pace gained far less weight than the people who were not active in their 20′s.  The types of workouts that were focused on to see if the active people could stop weight gain were running, fast paced walking, biking, playing sports, and even house work.

Regular exercise helped to stop weight gain no matter of the the person’s initial weight or calorie consumption.

You might be thinking this is not new information.  I thought the same thing until the researchers go on about many studies have been conducted for working out for weight loss but few if any at all look at regular exercise that will stop weight gain from starting.  The research goes on to say that many people who were active during their 20′s did not maintain the same level of activity as they aged.  They also noted that current recommendations for exercise (30 minutes 5 days a week) is not enough to stop weight gain.

As you can see working out helps to stop weight gain and shift you towards optimal health.  But very hard to stick with.  The are many reasons for this, as we age we get more to do’s and busier lives it just comes with the territory.  So my method has always been to find workouts that are fast, very effective, and that can be done anywhere to limit any excuses I could come up with.

The other part to stop weight gain and boost your health is your diet.  There are many books and articles out there today that make it confusing to seek what really works.  After lots of research and trial and error I have found a few diets that are top notch.  I will get into those in a different post.  But for now try to focus on eating whole foods and nothing processed.  That is a very simple way to stop weight gain in its tracks.

Stop weight gain before it starts with regular exercise, eat a clean diet, and enjoy life.  It does take commitment to stop weight gain and other health complications.  The benefits of exercise are far reaching and to stop weight gain in its tracks is just one of them.

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