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5 Reasons for Living a Fit and Healthy Life

Staying fit isn't just about looking great.  It's about being your best self. Sometimes, though, it can be daunting to eat the right foods or head to the gym for an hour of high-impact cardio. If you need motivation to exercise, consider just some of the many lifesaving benefits of working out regularly and maintaining healthy nutrition.


This is, without question, the most important reason to stay committed to your health. Researchers at Queen's University in Ontario conducted a study in 2012 which concludes what many of us suspected all along: People who regularly exercise tend to live several years longer than people who don't. In some cases, the study found that exercise actually added 11 years. And diet is important as well. Eating the right foods reduces a person's risk of contracting common diseases like heart disease, diabetes and even certain cancers.

Optimal Mental Health

Regular exercise has been shown to carry a wealth of notable mental health benefits, including elevated mood, reduced stress and improved confidence. Daily exercise can even combat symptoms of depression. That's because rigorous physical activity results in the release of endorphins in the brain, and those endorphins trigger sensations of happiness and euphoria.

Social Enrichment

Believe it or not, there are profound social benefits to living a fit, active lifestyle. The camaraderie between marathon runners is tremendous, and half the fun of taking a spin class is the experience of exercising alongside other people. Even weight trainers tend to forge tight bonds with one another. Get involved in a fitness regimen today and forge meaningful relationships with people who share your interests and goals.

Extended Youth and Vitality

Nutrition and exercise not only serve to add years to your life; they also add energy and youth to those years. Numerous studies have confirmed that living a healthy lifestyle can reverse the signs of aging, and promote added vitality for people in their golden years.

Improved Appearance

Looks aren't everything, but when your body is in great shape, people take notice, and as a result, your confidence increases. If having a great beach body is just the motivation that you need to get to the gym every day, you can use that drive to your advantage. After all, it doesn't matter why you choose to be healthy, as long as you do it!

Get Healthy Today

There are lots of ways in which you can become active. You can get involved in weight training, take up bicycling, hire a personal trainer, train for a 10k run, or take part in a Spinning class. has excellent Spinning class information, and WebMD offers many valuable resources for staying in shape. The important thing is to just get out there and start exercising. After all, your best years are still ahead of you!

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